web development

web development

when we say web development the first question is 

1. what is web development?

Web development is the work involved in developing a website for the internet(world wide web)  or an internet (a private network). Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web applications

now the second question is

2. how i become a web developer ?

before we know how to become a web developer, we need to know that there are different types of web developer, there are three types of web developer
1.front end developer
2.back end developer
3.full stack developer

1.Front end developer

A front end developer, also known as a front end web developer, is a professional responsible for the design and implementation of the interface. The users require this interface so that they can access the application in question. A web designer is a professional who creates a website’s appearance and design. And the front end developer makes sure that the design works online by using coding languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

2.back end developer

a  back end developer is a type of programmer who creates the logical back end and core computational logic of a website, software or information system. the developer creates components and features that are indirectly accessed by a user through a front end application or system.

3.full stack developer

A full stack developer is a person that work as a front end and back end developer,
to became a full stack developer need the all skill of front end and back end developer.

skill need to become a web developer

1. for front end developer

must needed skills is

some frame works

and the java script libraries

now some additional skill are

designing tools like photoshop
and some package managers 

2. for back end developer

for become a back end developer you just pick a language and its framework and start coding 
some of language and frame work is
1. java - spring boot
            - Hiber note

2.python - flesk
               - django

3.javascript - nade js
                   - meteor
                   - express js
4.php - laravel

Apart form these there are many other languages which can be learned.

after languages there are some more thinks that you must know that is

2..http methods

 next blog on front end web developer